Offer us your know-how and service, material, tools, meeting rooms and services free of charge or at low cost to optimise our daily operations or for a Beyond the Moon happening or event. Thanks to in-kind support, we reduce our costs and use our funds and energy more efficiently to realise our projects and achieve our objectives.


Do you have free time and would like to volunteer without a firm commitment? Read the testimonials of our volunteers and also become a Beyond the Moon volunteer. From time to time, we are in need of helping hands for an event or to handle small administrative chores (e.g. English translations by a native speaker).


As a volunteer, you can also hold a fundraiser and involve other volunteers to divide the tasks.


Are you a Marketing & Social Media student? Are you assigned to complete a task or create a marketing plan for a charity? Contact us


How can you help us quickly, easily and for free? Follow us on our social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter), like and share our posts on your personal profile and/or on the company profile! Talk about Beyond the Moon with others at the workplace or with family and friends. This way you increase our brand awareness and spread our mission. It's also volunteering! 

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