Online shopping: a way to support us completely for FREE: Make your online purchases at webshops via our Trooper page (Dutch or French only), without paying an extra euro. You will find more than 600 webshops (some are active worldwide) in different categories: travel, food & drinks, fashion, beauty & health, books, sports & leisure, pets, home & garden, gifts, multimedia & electro, business, trainings, car parts, etc. Via our Trooper link, you let the online shops know that you want to support Beyond the Moon with your purchase. The link does the work and you can just shop like you normally do, without spending an extra euro. For every purchase you make, a percentage goes to Beyond the Moon. Everyone is happy!  

Download our Trooper poster, digitally share it with colleagues or hang it on the office board. That's how simple a team action can be to support Beyond the Moon together! 


Card sales: As from October, our Christmas and New Year's cards will be for sale and you can order them online via our website. They can be personalised for both companies and private individuals with a logo, name and personal message. The message on the card can also be changed to the desired language (NL, FR, EN, IT,...). In addition, we also have birthday cards available with our logo on the backside.

Sports outfit: Are you participating in a cycling, running or other sports event(s)? We always have a limited number of Beyond the Moon cycling outfits and sports shirts in stock.

Other articles: birthday calendar, children's book, pins, buttons, kitchen apron,... or do you want to personalise an article with our logo? Click on the images below. Interested? Contact us.

Running Shirt_G4S
BtM kaarten