With the consent of families, whose child is/was hospitalised or has recently been at the hospital for a consultation, we share below their feelings (*) in the form of testimonials about our 'Paint a Smile' project.  (more testimonials on the Dutch website page)


Healthcare staff can also speak out. Do you work in a hospital where our interactive 3D murals are already showing? E-mail us with your thoughts on our 'Paint a Smile' project, so that we can post it below as a testimonial with your consent. Add a (group) photo with colleagues near our mural and be creative in your interaction. 


(*) Message for families with a sick child: You can't scan the QR code near the interactive 3D mural with your smartphone, but you want to give your opinion with text and photo? Please send it to us via email.

"Beautiful and soothing. The fantasy works for the child and we make up a story ourselves during the hospital stay."

“A cheerful room and a very nice surprise that made the day far less difficult for me and my mum.

... I was delighted with the room, which looked less like a hospital room. I sincerely want to thank you! “ Mathis, 15 years




"Children have a vivid imagination and can immerse in their own wonderful world. Thanks to that creativity and empathy, children feel more comfortable and unwind. Together with and thanks to Beyond the Moon, we want to encourage this with these beautiful interactive 3D murals. The peaceful and safe feeling contributes to the mental well -being and healing of our patients. And besides, they are just very beautiful, for parents and employees. In short, a great project and patient delight @ work!"

– Marc Noppen, Prof. dr. & CEO – UZ Brussels